The Westwood Secondary Blogs

All taggers should use their
own name. Spammers and Impersonators will not be tolerated.
The Westwood Secondary Blog is maintained by Current and Ex-Westwoodians.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WestwoodTV @ Vimeo

Alright guys!

Like what I have mentioned in the previous post, I'm gonna repost the latest videos on Vimeo. Any videos such as these from now on will be posted on Vimeo instead of Youtube.

Cross Country 2009

Westwood Sec Cross Country 2009 held @ Chinese Garden on 9 April 09.

Click here to watch it BIGGER! @ Vimeo

Sports Day 2009

Westwood Sec Sports Day 2009 held @ Jurong West Sports Complex on 11 Feb 09.

Click here to watch it BIGGER! @ Vimeo

Secondary One Orientation 2009

A recap video of what the Sec Ones did during the Orientation held in Westwood with additional footage from the Performance Night.

Click here to watch it BIGGER! @ Vimeo

Remember, you guys can click on the embed button on the video can copy the code so that you can put in on your blog for your friends to see or share it on your facebook.
