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Monday, April 16, 2007

Westwood Concert Band - Guest Post by Winnie Chong

Date: 12th April 2007

The bi-annual Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging of Concert Bands has finally arrived. All bands have to play a total of two songs; a set piece which is set by MOE and a choice piece which is chosen by the band director. The set piece for this year is Sunrise and Safari, a piece which is composed by internationally recognised composer, Adam Gorb. It comprises of two sections; Sunrise and Night Safari. The band director, Mr Patrick Wong, has chose to play Night Safari. The choice piece which the band has selected is The Merry Widow Selections.

The band members have put in a lot of hardwork in the midst of preparing for this competition. On top of the usual thrice a week band practices, band members have also took time off their hectic schedule to organise their own sectional practices.

The band has been scheduled to compete on the fourth day of the seven days long competition. Results have shown that the standards of this year's competition has been brought forth to a much higher standard. This has definitely increased the anxiety of the band director and members.

Nevertheless, the band members' hardwork has not been put off. They've clinched the third consecutive Silver medal for Westwood!

The hall roared with applause and cheers from the band members, band director, seniors, teacher in charge(s), Principal, and not forgetting, supporters from Coral Concert Band.

Band, you've done Mr. Wong, the seniors, teachers, Principal, school and everyone really proud! Juniors, please carry on working hard and not let your seniors' hardwork go to waste.

Winnie (Pioneer batch, Westwood Concert Band)