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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Westwood Chorus: SYF 2007

17th April 2007
The last choir of the first day of Singapore Youth Festival. It isn't very easy for Westwood Chorus as the pieces they had were famous pieces that goes around the 7 judges' ears.

The set-piece, Everyone Sang, was by Ko Matsushita, one of the judges present then. The touching lyrics was a poem by Siegfield Sassoon (1886-1967), a World War I service soldier. The poem speaks of a deeper, underlying reality - the closing lines bring that into focus. It is about the end of War, and how he had seen France, then.

'Lay A Garland', a madrigal for eight voices singing about a lady who has passed on because 'her love was false', however '...she died true'. Sad and calm piece, but another well-known song, putting up an aim for Westwood Chorus to hit.

The next piece and last piece, 'Pokpok Alimpako', this piece is based on a motif of a maranao (southern philippines) melody and the words of a muslim children's chant; it features virtuostic interlocking rhythmic patterns and a prestissimo tempo.

Westwood Chorus has come a very long way to come face to face with SYF2007. Unlike 2005, members would have always formed a different set of feelings, quality of sound and bond within them. It is never easy for the choir members to get the right feel and the right times.
But all efforts of hardwork has been payed off. Being th last choir of the day, it felt way tense than usual. What was worse? The unveiling process of the results.
Some Secondary fours went back up to receive results, while the rest waited for the news.

And yes! Though we didn't achieve our aim, for gold, for this year, maintaining it was great news. We'd love to thank Miss Fong and Miss Chen. And most importantly, our conductor, Mr Wilson Goh. Doing the seniors, teachers, our conductor and the school proud. Do not give up on anything right now, because this is only the start of your very great musical journey in Westwood.

All the best in Westwood Chorus' singing future!
Don't let the seniors down (:

President, Westwood Chorus(2006-2007)