The Westwood Secondary Blogs

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The Westwood Secondary Blog is maintained by Current and Ex-Westwoodians.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Here's Calling Attention To All ASPIRING PHOTOGRAPHERS of Westwood

Are you an aspiring photographer ? Do you want your work to be seen ? Well dont miss this chance then. So here's the thing -

The school will be compiling photographs you have shot( whether it's Landscape,Self Potraits, Emotive,Conceptual, Fashion etc) . And the best ones will be selected and be displayed around the school campus. And i'm not talking about the ones you see in Friendster.We want good quality photos.

Submission date will be from after EYE onwards till next year before the 2007 secondary one orientation( well that was what i was being told)

All submissions are to be submitted to Ms Tan Wan Kheng in a cd/thumbdrive. And remember, all of your work has to have a theme(of your choice).

So that's all the details i have for now, i'll update more if there's any new ones.

We hope you're really interested !