You want to get your dedications across but your messages aren't read because there are millions of listeners out there listening to your favorite station,texting and emailing their thoughts and having them read out. And then you wished someone would listen to you - for once.
Now you can ! (haha ok,seriously,i sound uhm..weird promoting this thing.sorry guys,the last time i wrote a composition or a script alike was during the O levels.)
OK anyways,our DJ/Host going-to-be, Jeremy has recently created his own radio show for you! How cool is that ?! So far,I've never heard of any school who's got their own radio show.Guys, c'mon, how can you not support something that is cool about your school ?!
This is almost as close as having your own show,your music,your dedications and your views heard.You can't get yourself up on In-Touch 'cos you're just too shy but dying to voice your views to the world,you can do it here too - I'm sure.Great place to further promote your new tunes,band or simply sharing with us about a new cool eatery place you just found in town. Right Jeremy? HAHA.
If you can't get tuned due to connection problems
try opening your Windows Media Player.
Open URL
And Click Ok.
It's as simple as that,really! So take a listen and spread the word!
Plus,it's also a great excuse to tell mummy and daddy why you're online while doing your homework ;D