The Westwood Secondary Blogs

All taggers should use their
own name. Spammers and Impersonators will not be tolerated.
The Westwood Secondary Blog is maintained by Current and Ex-Westwoodians.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

I hope you guys are celebrating well. It's almost the end of 2007. Have you guys started making your new year resolution for 2008? More importantly, have you guys finished your holiday assignments! I've just uploaded a new video for you guys to check out. It's the Stand & Deliver of 5B, 2005. Check it out - more youtube videos @

Kang Kong Hustle-

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Clash of the Two Siddiqs

This was done in 2004 as an attraction for the AVA for the CCA fair 2004. It was also suppose to be an effects test shot. Here you can see the TWO MAIN STARS acting. If you know them, good. If not, take a VERY CLOSE look.

The Clash of the Two Siddiqs-

Monday, December 03, 2007


"Origins" is a video which I did along with my classmates for our video project. I roped in a number of my Westwood and Ex-Westwood friends to help me with the project. Take a look and comment in the tagboard. No flaming please.

Origins from alphaex on Vimeo.