The Westwood Secondary Blogs

All taggers should use their
own name. Spammers and Impersonators will not be tolerated.
The Westwood Secondary Blog is maintained by Current and Ex-Westwoodians.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Sec 3E English Project

Sec 3E is doing an English Project on "Social Issues". The project is 20% of their final year exams. Give them your support and rate their videos! (One up so far.)

Pressured suicide-

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cross Country 2007

So you guys have already watched it during REV-UP. Spot your friends and catch the interviews of teachers! Watch it again on WESTWOODTV or head down to Westwood's Youtube to see Cross Country 2006 and more videos!

Part One-

Part Two-