The Westwood Secondary Blogs

All taggers should use their
own name. Spammers and Impersonators will not be tolerated.
The Westwood Secondary Blog is maintained by Current and Ex-Westwoodians.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Westwood's Official Website & New student blogger

Westwood's Official Website has always been slow in updating due to the fact that the teachers are busy with marking all your papers and homework. That's why you guys came here for School Updates! Thanks for the support.

As I am typing this, the Official School Website is undergoing a revamp ONLINE! The new layout will be up soon with constant updates. The web will be linked to the Westwood Blog too! Head down to the website -,

Anyways, there is a new blogger in Westwood Blog! He is none other then Hafriz from Sec3.